Inertia UI

By Protone Media

Privacy & Cookie Statement

At Protone Media, we place a high value on your privacy. This Privacy & Cookie Statement outlines the personal data we collect, the reasons behind it, how we use your information, and the measures we take to safeguard your privacy. Throughout this document, "Protone Media," "we," "us," and "our" all refer to our organization. Inertia UI and all of its components (Inertia Table, Inertia Forms, etc.) are products of Protone Media.


At Protone Media, we process your personal data for a variety of purposes. In the following sections, we provide a detailed explanation of why we process certain types of personal data, the legal basis for doing so, and how long we retain your information.

  1. Website Visit

During your visit to our website, we process the following personal data:

  • Your IP address
  • Visitor analytics using self-hosted Umami's privacy-first analytics
  • Language, country, and pricing settings
  • Cloudflare DDoS protection

This personal data is only kept as long as you visit the website; if you leave the website, this information is removed. The legal basis for processing this personal data is our legitimate interest in maintaining a website that functions properly and provides an optimal user experience.

  1. Purchasing Our Products

When you purchase our products via our website, we will process certain personal data, which may require you to create an account. To set up and maintain your account, we will need the following personal data:

  • Name
  • (Business) telephone number
  • (Business) email address
  • Name of your organization
  • Invoice & payment details
  • Content of correspondence
  • Account information (login credentials)

We require this information as part of our agreement with you and to maintain the relationship resulting from this agreement. We will store this information for the duration of our agreement, and certain information may be retained for a longer period if required by law (such as the legal tax retention period of seven years).

  1. Contact

We offer various ways to contact us, including phone, email, and our contact form. When responding to your inquiries through these channels, we will process the following personal data:

  • Name
  • (Business) email address
  • (Business) telephone number
  • Name of your organization
  • Any additional information you provide in your message

We will utilize this information to efficiently address your request and fulfill our obligations under our agreement with you. This data will be retained until we confirm your satisfaction with our response.

  1. Newsletter

We provide multiple options to stay informed about the latest news regarding our company and services, such as subscribing to our newsletter. For sending you our newsletter, we will only process your (business) email address, and this information will be used as long as you are subscribed to our newsletter. We utilize the following email sending service:

Social media and marketing

We maintain an active presence on various third-party platforms, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google, for marketing purposes. Your personal data is not shared with these platforms to protect your privacy. We do not utilize services like 'Custom Audiences' and 'Tailored Audiences', which involve sharing CRM data.


Certain personal data may be anonymized by removing identifying information, making it impossible to link the data to an individual. Anonymized data no longer poses privacy risks and is not considered personal data.

Anonymizing data is essential for statistical research and website improvement while safeguarding your privacy.

Third parties

Protone Media may engage third-party providers to deliver services in compliance with our privacy statement and applicable laws. These providers are authorized to use your personal data solely for specified purposes outlined in our privacy statement. We have implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure that third-party providers handle your data as per our instructions and for the intended purposes.

Protone Media collaborates with various third parties.

  1. Protone Media uses OAuth2 to allow users to log in to our platform using their Git account credentials. If you choose to connect your Git account and explicitly agree to the terms and scope specified when connecting the OAuth2 provider, Protone Media may also give you access to our private repositories (after purchasing a license) on the following Git providers:

    • GitHub (USA)
  2. Protone Media uses the following payment providers for processing payments made by paying customers. Please note that this only applies to paying customers:

  3. We utilize Cloudflare's reverse proxy as a measure of protection against DDoS attacks, which applies to all visitors. This falls under the necessary category since it is crucial in safeguarding our deployment infrastructure.

  4. Our application is hosted on servers located at Hetzner, Germany. Their privacy policy, which can be found at, provides more information about their security protocols.

  5. We use Laravel Forge to manage our servers. Forge is a product of Laravel Holdings Inc. and is located in the USA. Their privacy policy can be found at

Transfer of personal data

Protone Media and its (sub-)processors may transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) insofar as such transfer complies with the applicable privacy legislation, such as the GDPR. The transfer of personal data to companies outside of the EEA depends on which of our services you are using. Please refer to the information above or contact us if you have any questions.


We use functional and analytical cookies to optimize your experience on our website. Functional cookies are necessary for logging into our platform. Our analytical tools do not use cookies to track users.

We retain this personal data for the duration of your website visit and delete it when you leave. We process this data based on our legitimate interest in enhancing and improving our website and services.

Necessary / Functional Cookies

These cookies are necessary for a properly functioning website and do not require an opt-in.

Name Provider Purpose Retention Type
laravel_session Protone Media Login status 2 hours Necessary
remember_web Protone Media Login status 5 years Necessary
XSRF-TOKEN Protone Media CSRF protection 2 hours Necessary
paddlejs_campaign_referrer Paddle Paddle Checkout 1 week Necessary


We respect your rights under the GDPR, and they may include the following:

  • The right to access
  • The right to correct and supplement
  • The right to be forgotten
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to restriction of processing
  • The right to object to automated decision-making and profiling
  • The right to object to data processing

To exercise your rights or if you have any questions about the way we process your personal data, please use the contact information provided at the end of this privacy statement.

We take your feedback, requests, and complaints seriously and will make every effort to handle them properly. If you are not satisfied with the handling of your request and/or complaint, you have the right to file a complaint with the national authority responsible for supervising compliance with the GDPR. In the Netherlands, this authority is the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.

Security measures

Protone Media has implemented various technical and organizational security measures to ensure the safety of your personal data. These security measures aim to prevent loss, abuse, unauthorized access, or modification. Here are some examples:

  • We use TLS (Transport Layer Security) technology to protect the transmission of personal data through all online channels.
  • All equipment is password-protected.
  • Access to personal data is limited to a need-to-know basis.
  • We strive to comply with standard security norms related to our specific services.
  • We use a secure and properly certified hosting provider, and you can find more information about their system policies on Hetzner's website:
  • Our servers are provisioned and managed by Laravel Forge, which is the de facto standard for deploying Laravel applications securely.

Contact details

If you have any questions or concerns about how we process your personal data at Protone Media, you can reach out to us using the following contact details:

Changes to the Privacy & Cookie Statement

Protone Media may update this Privacy & Cookie Statement from time to time. The latest version of this document was last modified on June 17, 2024. Any changes made to this statement will be posted on this website. It is recommended that you review this statement periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting your personal data.