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The ModalLink and Modal components have a number of props that allow you to customize their behavior and style. Let's take a look at all the available props.

Available Props

The following props can be used on both the ModalLink and Modal components. The props passed to ModalLink will take precedence over those passed to Modal.


The close-button prop allows you to show or hide the close button in the modal. By default, the close button is shown. To render a custom close button, you can check out the Close Modal section.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" :close-button="false">
        Create User


The close-explicitly prop allows you to close the modal explicitly. By default, the modal closes when the user clicks outside of the modal or presses the Esc key. If you set close-explicitly to true, the modal will only close when you press the close button or close it programmatically.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" :close-explicitly="true">
        Create User


The max-width lets you specify the maximum width of the modal. For modals, the default value is 2xl, and for slideover, the default value is md. These values correspond to Tailwind CSS conventions. Valid values are sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl, 5xl, 6xl, and 7xl.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" max-width="lg">
        Create User


The padding-classes prop allows you to add custom padding classes to the modal. This is useful if you want to add extra padding to the modal content or if you want to remove the default padding. The default classes are p-4 sm:p-6.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" padding-classes="p-8">
        Create User


The panel-classes prop allows you to add custom classes to the panel of the modal. This is useful if you want to add extra styles to the modal panel, such as a border or shadow. The default classes are bg-white rounded for modals and bg-white min-h-screen for slideover.

These classes are merged with the padding classes. They are separated by a different prop to allow for more flexibility.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" panel-classes="bg-blue-50 rounded-lg">
        Create User


The position prop allows you to specify the position of the modal. The default value is center for modals and right for slideover. Valid values for modals are bottom, center, and top. Valid values for slideover are left and right.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" position="top">
        Create User


The slideover prop allows you to open the modal as a slideover instead of a modal. The default value is false. When you add the slideover prop, the modal will open as a slideover.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" slideover>
        Create User

Default configuration

You can set the default configuration for all modals and slideovers by importing the putConfig function from the package, for example, in your app.js file.

import { putConfig } from '@inertiaui/modal-vue'

You can call the putConfig function with an object containing the configuration that you want to set as the default. Here is an example with the default configuration. Note that there are separate keys for modals and slideovers.

    type: 'modal',
    modal: {
        closeButton: true,
        closeExplicitly: false,
        maxWidth: '2xl',
        paddingClasses: 'p-4 sm:p-6',
        panelClasses: 'bg-white rounded',
        position: 'center',
    slideover: {
        closeButton: true,
        closeExplicitly: false,
        maxWidth: 'md',
        paddingClasses: 'p-4 sm:p-6',
        panelClasses: 'bg-white min-h-screen',
        position: 'right',

Instead of passing a whole object, you can also pass just the keys that you want to override. The other values will be taken from the default configuration.

    modal: {
        closeButton: false,

Alternatively, you can pass a key and a value to the putConfig function using dot notation.

putConfig('modal.closeButton', false)