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Event Bus

Sometimes you need to communicate from the modal to the parent page. You can use the emit slot prop function for this purpose. Just like emitting events in Vue, you can pass a name and a payload to the emit function. The parent page can listen to these events using the @ directive. Here's an example of emitting an event from the modal:

    <Modal #default="{ emit }">
        <button type="button" @click="emit('increaseBy', 1)">
            Increase by 1

Alternatively, you can use the ref attribute to get a reference to the modal component and call the emit method on it.

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const modalRef = ref(null);

function increaseBy(amount) {
    modalRef.value.emit('increaseBy', amount);

    <Modal ref="modalRef">
        <!-- ... -->

On the parent page, you can listen to the event like this:

    <ModalLink href="/modal" @increase-by="handleIncrease">
        Open Modal

Nested / Stacked Modals

To communicate between nested modals, please refer to the Nested / Stacked Modals section.