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Basic Usage

As described in the introduction, Inertia Modal is fairly simple to use. There are two main components: Modal and ModalLink. In the sections below, we will cover how to use these components.

To use the components, you need to import them into your page:

<script setup>
import { Modal, ModalLink } from '@inertiaui/modal-vue'
import { Modal, ModalLink } from '@inertiaui/modal-react'

Instead of importing the components on every page, you may also consider importing them globally in your app.js file:

import { Modal, ModalLink, renderApp } from '@inertiaui/modal-vue'

    setup({ el, App, props, plugin }) {
        return createApp({ render: renderApp(App, props) })
            .component('Modal', Modal)
            .component('ModalLink', ModalLink)

The Modal component is used to wrap the content of the modal. You can place any content inside the Modal component, such as forms, tables, or other components.

        <h1>Create User</h1>
            <!-- Form fields -->
export default function CreateUserModal() {
    return (
            <h1>Create User</h1>
                {/* Form fields */}

The Modal component emits several events that you can listen to:

  • after-leave: Triggered after the modal has been removed from the DOM.
  • blur: Triggered when the modal loses focus because another modal is opened on top of it.
  • close: Triggered when the modal is closed.
  • focus: Triggered when the modal gains focus because a modal on top of it has been closed.
  • success: Triggered when the modal has been successfully fetched and opened.
    <Modal @close="doSomething">
        <!-- ... -->
export default function CreateUserModal() {
    return (
        <Modal onClose={() => doSomething()}>
            {/* ... */}

Customizing the Modal

You may add additional props to the Modal component to customize its behavior and style. Check out the Configuration section for a list of all available props.

The ModalLink component is very similar to Inertia's built-in Link component. You can pass an href prop and additional headers using the headers prop. The component is rendered as a regular anchor tag (<a>), but you can change the tag using the as prop.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create">
        Create User
export default function UserIndex() {
    return (
        <ModalLink href="/users/create">
            Create User

Method and Data

The method prop allows you to specify the HTTP method that should be used when requesting the modal. By default, the method is set to get. With the data prop, you can pass additional data to the backend.

        :data="{ default_name: 'John Doe' }"
        Create User
export default function UserIndex() {
    return (
            data={{ default_name: 'John Doe' }}
            Create User


The headers prop allows you to pass additional headers to the Inertia request. This is useful if you need to pass custom headers to the backend.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" :headers="{ 'X-Header': 'Value' }">
        Create User
export default function UserIndex() {
    return (
        <ModalLink href="/users/create" headers={{ 'X-Header': 'Value' }}>
            Create User

Custom Tag

The as prop allows you to change the tag that is rendered. You can use it to render a button instead of an anchor tag.

    <ModalLink href="/users/create" as="button">
        Create User
export default function UserIndex() {
    return (
        <ModalLink href="/users/create" as="button">
            Create User

Loading State

The ModalLink component has a loading slot prop that you can use to show a loading state while the modal is being fetched. You can use this prop to display a loading spinner or text.

    <ModalLink #default="{ loading }">
        {{ loading ? 'Loading...' : 'Open Modal' }}
export default function UserIndex() {
    return (
            {({ loading }) => (
                <span>{loading ? 'Loading...' : 'Open Modal'}</span>

In addition to the loading prop, you can also listen to the events emitted by the ModalLink component. You can use the @start and @success events to show a loading spinner or text.

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const loading = ref(false)

    <ModalLink @start="loading = true" @success="loading = false">
        <!-- ... -->
export default function UserIndex() {
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)

    return (
            onStart={() => setLoading(true)}
            onSuccess={() => setLoading(false)}
            {/* ... */}

In addition to the @start and @success events, there is also a @error event. This event is triggered when the Inertia request fails.

    <ModalLink @error="errorToast('Whoops! Something went wrong.')">
        <!-- ... -->
export default function UserIndex() {
    return (
        <ModalLink onError={() => errorToast('Whoops! Something went wrong.')}>
            {/* ... */}

Then there are two more events: @close and @after-leave. The @close event is triggered when the modal is closed, and the @after-leave event is triggered after the modal has been removed from the DOM.

ModalLink Events and Browser Navigation

The close and after-leave events are not triggered when the modal is closed after navigating to it using the browser's back or forward buttons. This is because Inertia.js rerenders the page, and therefore, the ModalLink components. Closing the modal will not be linked to the original ModalLink component.


Just like the Modal component, you can pass additional props to the ModalLink component to customize its behavior and style. Check out the Configuration section for a list of all available props.

Programmatic Usage

Instead of using the ModalLink component, you can also open a modal programmatically using the visitModal method.

<script setup>
import { visitModal } from '@inertiaui/modal-vue'

function createUserModal() {

    <button @click="createUserModal">Create User</button>
import { useModalStack } from '@inertiaui/modal-react'

function UserIndex() {
    function createUserModal() {

    return (
        <button onClick={createUserModal}>Create User</button>

If you want to open a Local Modal, you must prepend the URL with a #:


The visitModal method accepts a second argument, which is an object with options:

visitModal('/users/create', {
    method: 'post',
    navigate: true,
    data: { default_name: 'John Doe' },
    headers: { 'X-Header': 'Value' },
    config: {
        slideover: true,
    listeners: {},
    onClose: () => console.log('Modal closed'),
    onAfterLeave: () => console.log('Modal removed from DOM'),
    queryStringArrayFormat: 'brackets',

The config option allows you to customize the behavior and style of the modal. You should check out the Configuration section for a list of all available options. The queryStringArrayFormat can be set to either brackets or indices.