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Base Route / URL

By default, Inertia Modal doesn't change the URL when opening a modal. It just stays on the same page and displays the modal content. However, you may want to change this behavior and update the URL when opening a modal. This has a few benefits:

  • It allows users to bookmark the modal and share the URL with others.
  • The modal becomes part of the browser history, so users can use the back and forward buttons.
  • It makes the modal content accessible to search engines (when using SSR).
  • It allows you to open the modal in a new tab.

Define a Base Route

To define the base route for your modal, you need to use the Inertia::modal() method in your controller instead of the Inertia::render() method. It accepts the same arguments as the Inertia::render() method:

return Inertia::render('EditUser', [ 
return Inertia::modal('EditUser', [ 
    'roles' => Role::pluck('name', 'id'),
    'user' => $user,

Then, you can chain the baseUrl or baseRoute method to the Inertia::modal() method to define the base route for your modal:

return Inertia::modal('EditUser')
    // or:

Just like the regular route() method, the baseRoute() method accepts an array of parameters as its second argument.

Reusing the Modal URL with different Base Routes

The baseRoute and baseUrl methods act merely as a fallback when the modal is directly opened using a URL. If you open the modal from a different route, the URL will be generated based on the current route.

Open a Modal with a Base Route

Next, the frontend needs to know that we're using the browser history to navigate between modals. To do this, you need to add the navigate attribute to the ModalLink component. Alternatively, you can configure this globally, but first, let's see how to do it on a per-link basis:

    <ModalLink navigate href="/users/create">
        Create User
export default function UserIndex() {
    return (
        <ModalLink navigate={true} href="/users/create">
            Create User

Configure Globally

Instead of adding the navigate attribute to each ModalLink component, you can configure this globally in your main app.js file. Just like the other configuration options, you can use the putConfig function to set the navigate option to true:

import { putConfig } from '@inertiaui/modal-vue'
putConfig('navigate', true)
import { putConfig } from '@inertiaui/modal-react'
putConfig('navigate', true)


The backend package extends the default Laravel redirector to take the base route into account when redirecting from a modal. This means you can continue using the back() method to redirect back to the base route of the modal. If you want to disable this behavior, you can publish the configuration file and set the bind_extended_redirector option to false. You can then use the global back_from_modal() helper method to redirect back.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="InertiaUI\Modal\ModalServiceProvider"