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Bulk Actions


Bulk Actions can be used to perform actions on multiple rows in a table. Bulk Actions can be configured to require a confirmation dialog before performing the action. Just like Row Actions, Bulk Actions are defined in the actions() method of the Table component.

Defining Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions are defined exactly like Row Actions, but you can use the asBulkAction and onlyAsBulkAction methods to specify whether the action should be available as a bulk action only or as a row action as well.

use App\Models\User;
use InertiaUI\Table\Action;

class Users extends Table
    public function actions(): array
        return [
            Action::make('Activate', handle: fn (User $user) => $user->activate())->asBulkAction(),

Styling, authorization, confirmation dialogs, and redirecting after the action are all handled the same way as Row Actions.

Before and After callbacks

You can use the before and after arguments to define callbacks that should be executed before and after the action is performed. Both callbacks receive an array of Model IDs as the first argument.

    label: 'Activate',
    before: fn (array $ids) => Log::info('Activating users...', ['ids' => $ids]),
    handle: fn (User $user) => $user->activate(),
    after: fn () => session()->flash('success', 'Users activated successfully')

Make rows unselectable

You can define whether rows should be selectable or not by using the isSelectable method on your Table class:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Users extends Table
    public function isSelectable(Model $model): bool
        return ! $model->trashed();

Please note that this only disables the checkbox for the row. The Row Action will still be executable on the row as long as you don't disable it. Please refer to the Row Actions documentation for more information on how to disable Row Actions.

Chunk Size

The default chunk size for bulk actions is 1000. You can change this by passing the chunkSize argument to the make() method:

    label: 'Activate',
    handle: fn (User $user) => $user->activate(),
    chunkSize: 500

Chunk Method

By default, the database will be queried using the chunkById method. If you want to use the chunk method instead, you can pass the eachById argument to the make() method with a value of false:

    label: 'Activate',
    handle: fn (User $user) => $user->activate(),
    eachById: false

You can read more about the differences between chunkById and chunk in the Laravel documentation. It is generally recommended to use chunkById when you're updating or deleting records.


You can use the authorize argument to define a boolean or callback that determines if the action should be available for the current user. The callback should return a boolean value and accepts the current Request instance as the first argument. By not authorizing the Bulk Action, it will be disabled in the Bulk Actions dropdown.

    label: 'Delete',
    handle: fn (User $user) => $user->delete(),
    authorize: fn (Request $request) => $request->user()->can('delete', User::class)

In earlier versions of the package, the disabled and hidden methods didn't exist, and authorize was the only way to disable or hide an action. However, the Model instance is not passed to the authorize callback, so you can only authorize it globally and not per row. Please refer to the Row Actions documentation for more information on how to disable Row Actions.

Data Attributes and Metadata

Check out the Row Links documentation for more information on how to add Data Attributes and Metadata to Bulk Actions.