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Inertia Table comes with a dedicated ImageColumn, but you can also display images in other types of columns. For example, you may render an avatar image in front of a user's name.

The Image class

On a column instance, like TextColumn, you may call the image() method to render an image in front of the text value. The image() method accepts a callback that receives the Eloquent Model and an instance of the Image class that you can use to configure the image.

use InertiaUI\Table\Image;

TextColumn::make('name')->image(function (User $user, Image $image) {
    return $image->url($user->avatar_url);
Displaying an image in a column

The Image class has the following methods to set the URL:

    ->to($user->avatar_url) // Alias of url()
    ->route('users.avatar', $user) // Equivalent to URL::route()
    ->signedRoute('users.avatar', $user) // Equivalent to URL::signedRoute()
    ->temporarySignedRoute('users.avatar', now()->addHour(), $user); // Equivalent to URL::temporarySignedRoute()

Styling the image

The Image class allows you to style the image, such as making it rounded or adjusting its size. You can use the ImagePosition and ImageSize enums to set the image's position and size, or use helper methods for convenience.

use InertiaUI\Table\ImagePosition;
use InertiaUI\Table\ImageSize;

// Render the image fully rounded (applies the 'rounded-full' class)

// Set the image size using the ImageSize enum

// Helper methods to set image size
$image->small(); // Uses the 'size-4' class
$image->medium(); // Uses the 'size-6' class
$image->large(); // Uses the 'size-8' class
$image->extraLarge(); // Uses the 'size-10' class

// Position the image at the start or end of the cell

// Helper methods to set image position

Instead of using size(), you can also set dimensions manually with width(), height(), and dimensions():

$image->dimensions(80, 45); // Sets both width and height

You may also use the class() method to add custom classes to the image:

$image->class('border border-red-500');

Ensure that your table's path is included in the content section of your Tailwind CSS configuration. Otherwise, Tailwind may purge these classes during the build process. For more details, refer to the content configuration documentation.

Alt and title attributes

You can use the alt() and title() methods to set the image attributes:


Alternative syntax

Instead of passing a callback to the image() method, you can directly pass the name of the Eloquent attribute containing the image URL:


To customize the image while using this syntax, pass a callback as the second argument:

TextColumn::make('name')->image('avatar_url', fn (Image $image) => $image->rounded());

Using icons

Instead of displaying an image, you can use an icon by calling the icon() method on the Image instance. Refer to the Icons documentation for details.

Columns\TextColumn::make('id')->image(function (User $user, Image $image) {
    return $image->icon($user->company ? 'BuildingOfficeIcon' : 'UserIcon');
Displaying an icon in a column

The ImageColumn class

The ImageColumn class is a specialized column that only renders images. Like other columns, you may call the image() method to configure the image.

ImageColumn::make('avatar_url', header: '')->image(function (User $user, Image $image) {
    return $image->rounded()->large();

Display multiple images

To display multiple images in a single cell, you may pass an array of URLs:


To limit the number of displayed images, use limit(). In the example below, if the user has five friends, only the first three will be displayed, with a +2 indicator:

Displaying multiple images in a column

Fallback slot

If the image URL is empty and no icon is provided, you can define a fallback on the front-end. In Vue, use a dynamic slot name that corresponds to the column key (image-fallback(name)). In React, pass an object to the imageFallback prop.

<Table :resource="users">
    <template #image-fallback(name)="{ item }">
        <UserCircleIcon />
        name: ({ item }) => <UserCircleIcon />

Besides the item prop, it also receives a column, value, image, and table prop. The image prop represents the Image class configuration.

Image slot

If you want to have full control how to render the image, you may use the image slot, similar to the image-fallback slot. It receives the same props.

<Table :resource="users">
    <template #image(name)="{ item }">
        <CustomImageComponent :src="item.avatar_url" />
        name: ({ item }) => <CustomImageComponent src={item.avatar} />