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Types of Filters

There are several types of filters that can be added to the Table:

  • TextFilter
  • NumericFilter
  • SetFilter
  • DateFilter
  • BooleanFilter

Adding Filters

To add filters to your table, you can use the make method on the filter class and pass the attribute of the Eloquent Model you want to filter. Add the filter to the array returned by the filters() method in your Table class.


It will automatically generate a title-cased header based on the attribute name. If you want to customize the header, you can pass the header as the second argument.

TextFilter::make('name', 'Full Name');


Each filter has one or more clauses that define how the filter should be applied. The clauses are defined in the Clause enum and each type of filter has its own set of default clauses. If you want to customize the available clauses, you can pass an array of clauses to the clauses parameter, or by using the clauses() method.

use InertiaUI\Table\Filters\Clause;


Nullable attributes

If you want to filter nullable attributes, you may pass the nullable argument to the filter to add the IsSet and IsNotSet clauses. Alternatively, you can use the nullable() method.

TextFilter::make('name', nullable: true);


Validate and Modify Input

By default, the incoming filter input is validated to be filled and to be of the correct type. If you want to customize the validation process, you can pass a closure to the validateUsing parameter, or call the validateUsing() method.

TextFilter::make('name')->validateUsing(function (mixed $value) {
    if(is_string($value) && strlen($value) > 3) {
        return $value;

Note that the callback should return the value if it passes the validation, not a boolean. This way you can modify the value before it is used in the query.

The callback accepts two additional parameters: the clause and the Eloquent builder:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use InertiaUI\Table\Filters\Clause;

TextFilter::make('name')->validateUsing(function (mixed $value, Clause $clause, Builder $query) {

Customizing the Query

Each combination of filter and clause has a specific way of applying the filter to the query. If you want to customize this, you can pass a closure to the applyUsing parameter, or call the applyUsing() method.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use InertiaUI\Table\Filters\Clause;

TextFilter::make('name')->applyUsing(function (Builder $resource, string $attribute, Clause $clause, mixed $value) {
    if($clause === Clause::Equals) {
        $resource->where($attribute, $value);

You might wonder why you want to pass such an extensive callback to the static make() method, but remember that you may also pass invokable classes:

TextFilter::make('name', applyUsing: new MyCustomTextFilter);

Set Filter

The SetFilter has some additional options. You can pass an array of options to the options parameter, or call the options() method to populate the select options.

SetFilter::make('status', options: [
    'active' => 'Active',
    'inactive' => 'Inactive',

If you want to allow multiple selections, you can pass the multiple argument to the filter, or call the multiple() method.


Filtering by Relationships

The SetFilter is great for filtering by relationships. It comes with a pluckOptionsFromModel helper method that allows you to easily populate the options from an Eloquent Model.

SetFilter::make('', 'Company')->pluckOptionsFromModel(Company::class, 'name');