The Ultimate Table for Inertia.js with built-in Query Builder

Impress your users with beautiful, powerful tables. Never waste time building tables again.

Inertia Table Features

Built-in Query Builder

Our package features an intuitive Query Builder that seamlessly handles sorting, filtering, and searching. It operates behind the scenes, ensuring everything runs smoothly without you having to lift a finger.

Extensive Filters

With a diverse array of filters including date, select, and text filters, you can refine your data. It supports various clauses like contains, starts with, and ends with, providing flexibility in how you view your information.

Row Actions and Links

Easily integrate actions and links into each row. Specify the link or action for the Eloquent Model, and let the package handle the rest, including support for confirmation dialogs.

Row Selection and Bulk Actions

Define any Row Action as a Bulk Action to apply it to multiple rows simultaneously. This feature simplifies the management of large datasets, making bulk operations straightforward and efficient.

Sorting and Pagination

Sorting and pagination are built-in features, fully customizable to suit your needs. Configure the number of rows per page, set default sorting columns and directions, and even sort by related models.

Dark Mode

Whether your users prefer light or dark mode, the package provides a visually appealing experience in both.

Export to CSV, Excel, and PDF

Leveraging the powerful Laravel Excel package, our package can generate exports in CSV, Excel, and PDF formats. Customize the columns to export and tailor the format and style to your requirements.

Multiple Tables per Page

Display multiple tables on a single page, each with its own filters, sorting, and pagination settings. Ideal for creating dashboards and overview pages, this feature enhances data organization and accessibility.

Feel right at home

The Table component's design is derived from Laravel Breeze and Jetstream styling, inspired by shadcn, and with icons from Heroicons by the Tailwind CSS team. It fits seamlessly into your Laravel application.


Highly customizable, the built-in Table Component serves as a robust starting point. Extend it or build your own table component from scratch while reusing all the powerful built-in features.

Made for Laravel and Vue 3

Inertia Table is designed to work seamlessly with Laravel and Vue 3. It leverages the power of Laravel's Eloquent ORM and Vue 3's reactivity to provide a smooth and efficient user experience.

Tested extensively

The package is thoroughly tested against the supported versions of Laravel and PHP, and against multiple database drivers like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. There are both unit, feature, and browser tests running in CI.

React Support Soon

Coming soon, Inertia Table will also support React. There's no separate license required, the package will contain both Vue and React components.

Bookmarks Soon

Save your preferred filters and sorting options for later use. Users can store multiple bookmarks and effortlessly switch between them.

Let's see it in action

We've made it really easy this time around!

Inertia Table is part of Inertia UI

Inertia UI is a collection of components that help you build modern web applications with Inertia.js, specifically designed for Laravel and Vue developers.

Form Components Soon
Tired of wiring the label, input, and error messages? Inertia Form Components is the solution. With support for model binding and validation errors, you can build forms faster than ever.
SEO Soon
Using Inertia for your landing page or marketing site? Inertia SEO helps you manage your meta tags and Open Graph data with ease.
Multipart S3 Uploads Soon
Multipart uploads are perfect for large files, but implementing them can be a pain. This package provides a frontend and backend solution for uploading files to S3, with support for pausing and resuming uploads.
Banners, Notifications and Toasts Soon
Providing useful feedback to your users is crucial. This package provides a simple API for displaying banners, notifications, and toasts in your Inertia app.

No-nonsense pricing

No hidden fees. No subscription. Pay once and get access to the Inertia Table source code.

We offer a single license for Inertia Table. This license is valid for a single project and includes one year of updates. Also, you will receive a discount on the other Inertia UI packages when they are released.

Inertia Table

€ 179

Discounted from € 249

  • One time payment
  • 1 year of updates
  • Valid for a single project
  • Access to the source code and repository
  • Keep access to your current version forever
  • Discounts on the other Inertia UI packages